Use the Search for Contacts endpoint to search for the contacts that have been added to your team's Apollo account.

In Apollo terminology, a contact is a person that your team has explicitly added to your database. A contact will have their data enriched in some way, such as accessing an email address or a phone number.

This endpoint only returns contacts in the search results. To search for people in the Apollo database, call the People Search endpoint.

To protect Apollo's performance for all users, this endpoint has a display limit of 50,000 records (100 records per page, up to 500 pages). Add more filters to narrow your search results as much as possible. This limitation does not restrict your access to Apollo's database; you just need to access the data in batches.

This feature is not accessible to Apollo users on free plans.

Query Params

Add keywords to narrow the search of the contacts in your team's Apollo account.

Keywords can include combinations of names, job titles, employers (company names), and email addresses.

Examples: tim zheng; senior research analyst; microsoft

array of strings

The Apollo IDs for the contact stages that you want to include in your search results. If you add multiple contact stages, Apollo will include all contacts that match any of the stages, along with the other parameters, in the search results.

Call the List Contact Stages endpoint to retrieve a list of all the contact stage IDs available in your Apollo account.
Example: 6095a710bd01d100a506d4ae


Sort the matching contacts by 1 of the following options:

  • contact_last_activity_date: The most recent activity date recorded first.
  • contact_email_last_opened_at: The most recent email opened date first.
  • contact_email_last_clicked_at: The most recent email clicked first.
  • contact_created_at: The most recently created first.
  • contact_updated_at: The most recently updated first.

Defaults to false

Set to true to sort the matching contacts in ascending order.

This parameter must be used with sort_by_field. Otherwise, the sorting logic is not applied.

Example: true


The page number of the Apollo data that you want to retrieve.

Use this parameter in combination with the per_page parameter to make search results for navigable and improve the performance of the endpoint.

Example: 4


The number of search results that should be returned for each page. Limited the number of results per page improves the endpoint's performance.

Use the page parameter to search the different pages of data.

Example: 10

